Registration Information

Register NOW for the
2008 Football Season

Registration is now open! In-person registration will be held at the Morris Township Municipal Building at 50 Woodland Avenue from 10am to 12pm on Saturday 3/29 and Saturday 4/12.Practice begins August 15th.

Registration Waiver Forms

Flag and Tackle Football

To register, print and mail these forms to the Wildcats Administration Office at the mailing address on the form. Register early!Don't forget to sign up for our email list (see button at right) to learn about our pre-season kick-off activities including Family Fun Day.

Quotes from our 2007 season players:

"A great league for our children! My son played more during his first three games than he had during the entire previous season with another football club." Kevin G.

"The coaches were supportive when our son needed time for academics and helped bridge the gap for missed practices." Matt Z.

"I enjoyed the convenience of the Morristown Beard facility to watch my grandsons play football." Stan N.