Volunteer Positions

Pre Season:

  • Fundraising : Assist the Wildcats Fundraising Board member in organizing and executing this year’s raffle. Solicit local business to purchase ads in Booster Book and/or make a donation.

  • Booster Book: Work with others to create and publish this year’s Booster Book. The book includes team photos/rosters, ads, coach commentaries and game schedule and should be completed for the first game!

  • Team Parent: Assist Volunteer Coordinator at home games. Confirm your team parents’ assignments for game day. Organize parents to provide orange slices for half time.

Game Day:

  • 50/50 Seller: Sell 50/50 tickets during your child’s game. Announce winner during 4th quarter.
  • Concession/Apparel Stand: Work during one game at the snack shack or apparel stand. 3 to 4 people in the snack shack per game and one at the apparel booth. Both stands are by the field so you won’t miss much of the action.

  • Field Prep/Chains: Arrive with players to game. Set up field markers and chains. 3 volunteers per game are needed to work the chains on the sidelines (Best place to see the action!)

  • Parking: Arrive with team (1 hour before game) and direct drivers from drop off zone over to Arboretum and/or Library. Finish in time to watch you child’s game!
  • Scoreboard/Announcer: Control scoreboard during game or be the announcer!

  • Team Photographer: Take photos of the game and email them to the webmaster.