Morristown Wildcats Cheerleading

Practices Start Augusts 19th
From age 6 to 14, Morristown Wildcat Cheerleaders are learning skills that will help them throughout their lives.

Working in small teams under the guidance of both high school cheerleaders and parent volunteers, these girls work together to learn new cheers and practice basic gymnastics in a fun environment.

Younger cheerleaders practice their cheers and combine it with minimal athletics while our older cheerleaders integrate physical stunts with more complex cheers.

Cheerleading combines flexibility and athletics with social skills and voice command. But cheerleading also requires heart and attitude. A squad can only be as good as its weakest member so it benefits the entire team to work together to develop skills and coach each other to success.

It's a great way for learn the importance of dedication to teamwork and friends.

Cheerleading is more than just "cheering" at games. It requires a positive attitude and energetic behavior. In many ways, cheerleading creates a way to look at life.

We welcome all enthusiastic girls to our cheerleading squads. No prior experience is necessary. Practices are one day a week and games are typically on Sundays which allows our girls time for their school work and other extracurricular activities.